We have set this site up to highlight the perilous situation of the people of Ukraine, and to ask for your help in supporting them through this crisis.

We know that the financial situation in the UK is bad, but we’re fortunate enough that we are not being bombed on top of that. In the cities of Ukraine, houses are being flattened or totally destroyed. Water, electricity and gas are in short supply. One doctor told us his nurses work 20-hour shifts and then go home to rubble. Food, if even available, is rocketing in price. Nappies, wet wipes, and baby milk are now three times the price they are in the UK. The people are desperate for our help.

Even that is better than out in the smaller communities, consisting of mainly older people, who have nothing. They don’t drive, having previously relied on public transport–which is now scarce. With no food, clean water, or any power to speak of, they rely on volunteers to deliver what they can.
We need to help. We can do more for these people by sending whatever financial support we can, however little. Overnight, life in Ukraine went from being something we in the UK could easily recognise to being a constant struggle for survival. Sending our help is the civilised thing to do—it’s something we would hope others would do for us in the same situation.
We picked Kharkiv, a city in the East of Ukraine, because I know the city and people well from my time working there. We have sent lorryloads of aid in the past, but this is slow and inefficient, and it is food and shelter people need now.

So, with that in mind, we have set up a bank account so money can go direct into Ukraine via a British High Street bank. Money sent direct to Ukraine will buy food for hungry people and medical equipment sorely needed.
On this site, we will also bring up-to-date news direct from our friends and families in the country. They will tell their own personal stories and tell you how grateful they are for support. You will be able to see for yourself both the harshness of the situation and the good that your donations are doing.
For more information, contact Paul by phone on 07989396692 or by e-mail [email protected]
To read stories about locals’ experiences in the region, click here.